Custom software for your bussiness

Our clients love working with us!

Minimum Lovely Product

Built efficiently to provide genuine value to the user

Comprehensive Documentation

Designed to be easy to enhance and develop


We care as much about design as we do about code

Bring your app idea to life. Discover how our team of experts helped TMKPuzzle, Play to learn, and Los chalets casita de te

Image of client page

Play to Learn

Development and design of a course platform and admin interface for custom content management.

How did we help them?
  • Lightweight and intuitive website for easy custom content management.
  • Subtle and modern animations aligning with Play to Learn's brand image.
  • Product gallery with integrated shopping carousel using Stripe.
"Patagonia Web Design provided an exceptional experience in developing our educational platform. The lightweight interface and data-driven content offer an outstanding learning experience. We are highly satisfied with the results obtained"
Franco David Srebernic
Image of client page


Mint page connected to the blockchain.

How did we help them?
  • Modern, fast, intuitive, and accessible website.
  • Clean and secure code.
  • Use of modern tools and technologies for proper scalability.
"The seamless integration by Patagonia Web Design has professionalized TMKPuzzle's digital presence. The UI/UX design and clean blockchain connection have been transformative"
Image of client page

Los Chalets Casita de Te

Menu website with reservation system and product management.

How did we help them?
  • Real-time updatable product menu.
  • Admin interface with tabular data for analysis.
  • Optimization of appointment scheduling with a reservation system.
"Patagonia Web Design revolutionized our agrotourism business with a sleek and user-friendly website. The modern platform and custom apps improved the customer experience, providing more time inside and outside the restaurant"
Stella Nancy Sastre

Want to see more?

Check out our portfolio


Our service brings with it:

Frequently Asked Questions

Big questions need simple answers

How long does a project take?

We can deliver a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) within a few months. Then, if the project is successful, we can continue improving it long after the initial release.

How much does it cost?

The MVP version of a web application starts from $1000 USD. Optimizing smaller parts of an application takes from a few hours to several dozen.

When could we start?

Usually, we can start within two weeks. We can adjust to your deadline and break the project into smaller parts, considering your business plans.

What technologies do you work with?

We specialize in building custom web applications using React.js, Next.js, and Node.js.

Why should I choose Patagonia Web Designs?

Besides excellent reviews, we simply love what we do. If you also believe that's the secret ingredient for a successful project, then we're a match!

You are here for a reason

Build your new web application now

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Just send us a message or schedule a call, and let's start working together!