Boost your sales with our customizable online stores

Our clients love working with us!


We will use solid data and our expertise to achieve positive results.


Our team will focus on your individual business goals and needs.


We can redesign your entire store or start with the product page.

Double your conversion rate and achieve your annual sales goals.


Our service comes with:

Frequently Asked Questions

Big questions need simple answers

How long does a project take?

We can deliver a new page in two weeks. Redesigning a complete website takes around three months.

How much does it cost?

Full e-commerce projects start from $500 USD. Optimizing smaller parts of an online store takes from a few hours to several dozen.

When could we start?

Usually, we can start within two weeks. We can adjust to your deadline and divide the project into smaller parts, considering your business plans.

What technologies do you work with?

We specialize in building custom websites using Shopify, WooCommerce, Astro, and WordPress on some occasions, as well as headless solutions.

Why should I choose Patagonia Web Designs?

Besides excellent reviews, we simply love what we do. If you also believe that this is the secret ingredient for a successful project, then we have a match!

You are here for a reason

Start optimizing your online store now

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Just send us a message or schedule a call, and let's start working together!